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Museum of Living Art

"On the ground floor, right of 100 Washington Square East is the Museum of Living Art. Founded in 1927, the gallery contains works of Man Ray, Lachaise, Cézanne, Brancusi, Matisse, Picasso, and Juan Gris, owned by Albert E. Gallatin, a descendant of the New York University's first council chairman. Three of the paintings are critically acclaimed as being among the most important of this century: The Three Musicians, by Picasso, The City, by Leger, and Composition in White and Red, by Mondrian. The exhibits also include the work of American artists such as Marin, Demuth, Sheeler, Hartley, and Knaths (NYC Guide, pp. 134)."

The museum was originally known as A.E. Gallatin’s Gallery of Living Art until it was renamed the Museum of Living Art in 1936 (Grey Art Museum, 2016). The museum was opened from 1927 until 1943. The collections and exhibits represented at the museum were exclusive to "fresh and individual" work.

Unlike Whitney, who had a director for her museum, Gallatin, the founder, operated the museum on his own. His museum was very popular in the Greenwich Village area due to the famous work he displayed (listed above in quotes). It was also beneficial that the location of the Museum was placed right next to Washington Square Park, allowing many tourists to visit the location. Unfortunately, in 1943, Gallatin shut the doors of the museum and presented some of his collected work to the Philidelphia Museum of Art (The MET, 2024).


Museum of Living Art
Museum of Living Art This photo was derived from the 1940s tax department photographs. The building which included the Museum of Living Arts is the right-most building In the photo. Located in the first story. Source: New York City Municipal Archives Date: 1939-1941
Museum of Living Arts
Museum of Living Arts Although the Museum of Living Arts was only around from 1927-1943, the building still stands and is used as a part of New York University. Source: New York City Municipal Archives Date: 1983-1988
Present-day image of the building that held the Museum of Living Arts
Present-day image of the building that held the Museum of Living Arts The Museum of Living Arts closed in 1943 but has still been held to an art standard for New York University. Present day the building is now known as the Grey Art Museum for NYU. Source: Google LLC Date: July 2022
Atlas of Museum of Living Arts and Surroundings
Atlas of Museum of Living Arts and Surroundings This map represents the Museum of Living Arts, located on block 546 of the atlas (right of Washington Square). The Museum was located on the first floor of a New York University building. Surroundings include, Washington Square Park and residences. Source: From The New York Public Library Date: 1925
Museum of Living Arts
Museum of Living Arts Here is another angle of the building(s) that resided the Museum of Living Arts from the late 30s to early 40s. The building was long, as it wasn't only used for a Museum. It was also one of the first buildings of New York University. Source: New York City Municipal Archives Date: 1939-1941


100 Washington Square East


“Museum of Living Art,” Tours of 1930s NYC, accessed October 23, 2024,